Distant Bloom is a top-down puzzle adventure, developed by Ember Trail, where the player explores an alien world to restore the environment and build a flourishing community. The game uses Unreal Engine 4.

Studio contribution

Everlight Studio created the lighting setup, including work on the time-of-day transition (from night to day), image treatment and detail lighting for some of the different biomes. Other responsibilities included realising the barren versus blooming look for the different biomes in the game.

"The look of Distant Bloom was drastically improved after Everlight Studio came in and worked their magic. Everlight helped us understand what would benefit the game in terms of lighting and post-processing and then executed on that with amazing results. The cooperation was very smooth with a perfect frequency of communication and feedback loops."

Karin Hagström - Lead Artist, Ember Trail

“Teaming up with our lighting wizard from Everlight studios for 'Distant Bloom' was pure magic. Their knack for crafting dreamy lighting and atmospheres truly made our game shine. Each sprint was handled with supreme ease, keeping us in the loop and delivering on time and in budget. Their mix of expertise and creativity took our vision to the next level, surpassing all expectations. We're buzzing with excitement to shout out a big recommendation for our lighting maestro - Thank you! “

David Pennelle - CEO, Embertrail


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